
Matter Painting

A voyage of self discovery

Matter Painting

  • Just as fun as stoking a fire.
  • Just as creative as digging canals and building castles on the beach.
  • Just as fun as playing outside; that's what Matter Painting is.
  • It does something to you, to play with paint, wood, sand, cement, found objects — you name it. It gives you pleasure! Even if you think, 'I can't paint', the result will be something better.
  • Mentally you will become stronger.
  • Experience Matter Painting in a workshop for yourself; alone or with a group, from young to old.
photo: students working in the studio, 1 photo: artist and teacher Jan Boudewijn working in the studio photo: young student working in the studio, 2 photo: student working in the studio, 2 photo: students working in the studio, 3